Following on from my last post, just incase you were wondering, here are my values. Definitely a worth while exercise to un-pick your own. See my post "Hopelessness vs U happiness" for instructions on how to unpick them.
1) Freedom- Free to express myself, freedom of responsibility at times, freedom of choice, freedom of taste, free to be me.
2) Stability- Stable home, stable relationship. Where I want to be.
3) Trust- Honesty, integrity, trust in responsibility, trust in my relationships.
4) Creativity- Making things, writing, able to use my artistic eye.
5) Space- Personal and mental space and distance
6) love and nurturing- to be loved, looked after, cared for, appreciated, to love with passion.
7) Purpose- Need to strive, need to grow, make a difference.
8) Independence- Be in control of me, my life, determination.
9) variety- Things not being too samey
10) Connections- communication, intimacy, socialising, friends
11) Fun and Enjoyment- light of heart, humour
12) Success- Producing, writing, creating things for people, a desire to be well received.
And after looking at my values a few times, I felt that something was missing. I get really angry when the house is a mess, when things don't look neat and tidy, or even when things just look plain and dowdy. At first, I thought that the value was "perfectionism" but I then realised that I often find beauty in broken, misplaced or tired things. That's when I realised that the missing value was "beauty."
13) Beauty- a need for things to look nice, appealing to the eye, interesting, something to admire.
The definitions just help me understand what each value means to me, you may have the same value but it could mean something entirely different to you.
It really has helped me enjoy life a bit more to focus more on what I value in life, something that appears so simple can make all the difference.
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